All Brokerage / Winery Equipment Barrel Racks (WWS1289) 49 available. This vendor has 49 used Falland style barrel racks. Round bar model. Located in Nelson.
All Brokerage / Winery Equipment Barrel Racks (WWS983) 40+ units This vendor has 40+ double barrel racks. Galvanized, stackable, foot seats into rack below. Approx. 10 years old, in good condition. Located in Auckland.
All Brokerage / Winery Equipment EXP Barrel Racks (WWS1037) 17 units This vendor has 17 EXP barrel racks. Galvanized, stackable, foot seats into rack below. In good condition. Located in Hastings.
All Brokerage / Cooperage & Oak Wanted / Equipment Wanted / Wanted to Buy WANTED: Puncheon Racks (WWS989) We have a buyer seeking 15 puncheon racks.
All Brokerage / Winery Equipment Used Falland Barrel Racks (WWS684) This vendor has a large number of used Falland barrel racks. Round bar model. Located in Blenheim.